Saturday, April 5, 2008

Jane's Birth in Terri's Words

Well, it was about time! Baby Jane weighs in at 6 lbs. 8 oz. Healthy girl with 10 fingers and 10 toes. However, the delivery was a little scary! It was like right out of a movie. I woke up in full labor at midnight, no time between contractions...and I knew that feeling of being in transition. So, we were in the car not five minutes later, with a 20 minute drive ahead of us. Dave is saying a prayer out loud, and has to yell because the windows were down because it is about 15 degrees outside and my heavy breathing is fogging the car, and I'm howling in agony. Dave was driving 70 in a 35, I'm screaming in the car to drive faster. A cop pulls us over about 5 minutes from the hospital. Dave just tells him I'm going to have the baby in the car and takes off again. We had called ahead to the hospital. I'm already so out of it, that they have to physically lift me from the car to the wheelchair. They literally whip off my clothes and check me. I'm at an 8, but the nurse knows I'll be at at 10 in no time. Sure enough, one minute later I'm at a 10. So, they try to get me to push....I have no urge...which is weird. So the nurses are all getting frustrated with me for not pushing effectively. Finally, I'm able to tell them that my back is in major pain and I don't need to push. All of a sudden, they realize she is stuck behind my pelvic bone coming face up. So they move me around until the urge to push comes. It was the most painful delivery I have ever had, and I've had 2 with no epidural before. This delivery made the others seem easy. I popped a bunch of blood vessels in my face trying to get her out. Good times! Blessings were if this had happened in the middle of the day, I never would have made it to the hospital on time. Also, if she hadn't been stuck behind the pelvic bone, I would have had her in the car. So, it all ended well. She is a beautiful baby and I already can't imagine what life was like without her. Love, Terri