Sunday, September 21, 2008

Motherhood Perfection

There are so many days when I think to myself..."what am I doing?" I'm always way short on the 'mother of the year' platform. Tonight however, I had a great evening with Tommy. We transposed a song so that we could play a duet on the piano and clarinet together (such a cool feeling). Then at the last minute before going to bed, he asks me where we keep the playdoh. Let me tell you...I do not support the playdoh is WAY not worth the work it is to clean it up. So, Tommy thinks he is out of luck, no playdoh in the house. Well, I just whipped up a batch of playdoh from scratch. He was very impressed. I told Dave I should get the mother of the day foot massage....he's still thinking about it.


Malie said...

Oh my goodness Terri. I think that is so funny that you say that because you are one of the people I admire as far as motherhood goes. And tell Dave we said yes, you so deserve the "mother of the year foot massage". :)

Malie said...

You know, that comment didn't come out right. There are a lot of things I admire about you. ;)

michelle rasor said...

Yeah, why is it the best mothers think they are so far away from being mother of the year? Unless you've become the wicked witch of wisconsin, I quite sure you've still got that special mother touch, with or without playdough! I also hate bubbles. They always get snuck back inside and spilled all over! :)

Kim Watson said...

How neat that you are going to do a song together! Is it for sacrament meeting?
You've always been great at teaching your kids music...and other stuff, too. I think you should get the massage :)

Kristin Coppee said...

Transposed a song and made play dough from scratch all in one day? That deserves foot massage and $1000 shopping spree and night out to dinner and the movies and the rest of the week off from cooking, and then a trip to Hawaii and...yeah.

You're awesome. Like I said in a post before, I wish you were MY mom.

The Williamson's said...

i had no idea you played the clarinet! or wait, is it tommy who plays? i just feel so out of the loop since you've been gone! anyway, we are so excited to see you guys again at the end of the year. especially Liberty, she won't stop talking about it. thanks for calling and checkin it! we love you and miss you lots! tell the family hi :)

ps and get that boy a drum set already!

Heather M said...

Hi Terri! I finally have a blog now. My baby girl is already 5 months old.

Heather (Hanson) McLeskey :)