Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall is in the Air

We've had a great fall season here in Wisconsin. The tempeture dropped for a few days a couple weeks ago, but for the most part it has been in the 60s and 70s, just beautiful. Now, I'm NO photographer, obviously, but I really wanted to show a little of the absolute beauty around here with the leaves. I swear I'm going to cause an accident because of all the rubber necking at the trees. My kids have stopped agreeing with me when I say, "Oh, my, look how beautiful that tree is. That's my favorite color, right there." Now they say, "Mom, would you stop saying that? You say that about every tree." So, maybe they have a point, but come is gorgeous!


Kim Watson said...

I love fall, too! The colors are beautiful and the air is so fresh and crisp. It's a great season.

michelle rasor said...

i miss fall leaves... our mesquites still have that same ol' look! :) wish i was with you!

Melanie said...

Everyone needs to live away from AZ for a while. That way some day when you are dragged back to this place, you will have great, picturesque memories to fill your mind as you gaze out the window and look upon the dirt and cement.