Thursday, July 10, 2008

Jane cut her first tooth!

Well, I thought for sure she would be like my other kids and cut her teeth in the third month (I think Michael was actually in the 4th month), but NO! I stuck my finger in her mouth every morning waiting for them to come through. Everytime she was upset, I said 'oh, she must be teething..." and then no teeth. So, of course, she is perfectly happy and fine and then voila! Teeth. Now, we all enjoy sticking our fingers in her mouth to feel it. Michael unfortunately thinks perfect strangers would also enjoy it and insists that they do.
So, I've become a taxi service this summer. The kids are in "summer school". I put this in quotes because summer school is supposed to be to catch up in school and not something to be looked forward to. Well, here, (probably due to some ultra liberal plan to not make kids feel bad about having to go to summer school), they offer sports, cooking, arts and crafts, spanish, the list goes on. So, Tommy is taking tennis, golf, and rocketry. The girls are taking scrapbooking, knitting, cheerleading, and 3-D art. Michael is taking a introduction to 4-K class. Needless to say, everyone around here participates in "summer school." Then in the afternoon, Tommy is in basketball camp. So, I'm driving everywhere, which I wouldn't mind if Jane didn't mind...which she does!
We're also participating in the local library program which is keeping the kids up on reading this summer. Those of you that are Stephanie Meyer fans, I gave Tommy Twilight to read...kinda as a joke because I didn't think he would read it....he read all three straight through in just a few days. Now, I'm going to get him to read the Host. Or is it too adult.....Opinions please!
Also, any book recommendations for me would be great. I've read all the Mary Higgins Clark books in our library so I need a new author to work through. Thanks!


Malie said...

I read The Host. It is a little more violent than Twilight. It was harder for me to get into, but Tommy is a smart boy,so he may just enjoy it from beginning to end. I liked, but it is different from Twilight.

Sarah said...

I haven't read The Host yet, but don't even get me started on Twilight! LOVED IT! I'm impressed that Tommy read them and that he did so quickly! Oh...and YAY Jane for the teeth! :)

bryn said...

ya for jane. she is just too cute!

Kristin Coppee said...

John hasn't read Twilight, but he asked me to tell him about it because he noticed that all I wanted to do was sit and read that series. LOL. He LOVES to read, but I haven't thought about having him read Twilight himself. I should do that. I tried to get into The Host and couldn't do it. I think it's too weird.

A friend of mine has been recommending Jody Picoult books for a while, but I haven't had the time to read lately. I'm DYING waiting for Breaking Dawn to come out - the final book in the Twilight series. 13 more days. I need to think about something else or I'll go insane. I have to know the ending!